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The Stories They Tell : Artifacts from the National September 11 Memorial Museum (0847841715)

This poignant selection of artifacts-and their stories-from September 11 provides an official, lasting record of that day's experience. In both text and photography, the story of September 11 is told through a selection of powerfully moving artifacts from the 9/11 museum's collection that serve as touchstones to the day and its aftermath. From crushed FDNY trucks to the steel that was pierced as planes struck the Twin Towers, from victims' property pulled from the wreckage and returned to families (who later donated the property to the museum) to spontaneous memorials collected from around Ground Zero, the array of objects tell complex and often surprising stories. Poignant artifacts as monumental as the Vesey Street staircase-which offered an escape for thousands fleeing the towers-and as intimate as a loved one's wedding band or last recorded phone message are selected to illuminate people's experiences during and after September 11, 2001, and February 26, 199...

Estuche La Biblia del Oso / The Bears Bible. Boxed Set (9788420479712)

El presente estuche reúne los cuatro libros de La Biblia del Oso, la traducción de las Sagradas Escrituras realizada por el humanista Casiodoro de Reina en el siglo XVI. Una obra que, además de ser el punto de referencia de la mayor de las religiones de occidente, está dotada de una belleza expresiva y literaria cuyo poder de fascinación ha vencido el paso del tiempo.

Libros históricos I
Libros históricos II
Libros proféticos y sapienciales
Nuevo testamento

Además de su enorme valor y su influencia espiritual como libro sagrado de tres grandes religiones, la Biblia posee una inconmensurable importancia como texto histórico, cultural y literario. Compuesta en épocas diferentes por autores muy distintos, en sus páginas pueden hallarse no solo consuelo y enseñanza, sino también inspiración. La Biblia cuenta historias que -prescindiendo de las creencias de cada cual- a todos nos conciernen y que han influido de modo sustancial en multitud de escritores de todos los tiempos y en todas las lenguas.

La presente traducción, realizada en el siglo XVI por el humanista Casiodoro de Reina y editada y comentada por prestigiosos especialistas, es en sí misma un auténtico clásico de la literatura en castellano, y su bellísima prosa convierte la lectura en un verdadero placer.


This box edition brings together the four biblical books in The Bear's Bible, which is the translation of the Holy Scriptures into Spanish made by the humanist Casiodoro de Reina in the 16th century.

A work that, in addition to being a point of reference for the largest of western religions, is endowed with a literary beauty whose fascination and attraction has overcome the course of time.

Books of History I
Books of History II
Prophetic and Wisdom Books
The New Testament

In addition to its immense value and its spiritual influence as the holy book of three great religions, the Bible has immeasurable importance as a historical, cultural, and literary text. Composed at different times by very different authors, in its pages we can find not only comfort and teachings, but also inspiration. The Bible tells stories that - regardless of each other's beliefs - concern us all, and ones that have substantially influenced many writers in different times and in different languages.

This translation, carried out in the 16th century by the humanist Casiodoro de Reina and edited and commented on by prestigious specialists, is in itself a true classic of Spanish literature, and its beautiful prose makes reading a real pleasure.

Product details

  • Hardback | 359 pages
  • 175 x 222 x 138mm | 3,935g
  • Alfaguara
  • Spain
  • Spanish
  • New edition
  • 8420479713
  • 9788420479712
  • 1,380,898

Download Estuche La Biblia del Oso / The Bears Bible. Boxed Set (9788420479712).pdf, available at for free.



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Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the "political animal" that Aristotle defined.In effect, the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of guerrilla war, the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once his mind has been reached, the "political animal" has been defeated, without necessarily receiving bullets.Guerrilla warfare is born and grows in the political environment; in the constant combat to dominate that area of political mentality that is inherent to all human beings and which collectively constitutes the "environment" in which guerrilla warfare moves, and which is where precisely its victory or failure is defined.This conception of guerrilla warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive fac...