This poignant selection of artifacts-and their stories-from September 11 provides an official, lasting record of that day's experience. In both text and photography, the story of September 11 is told through a selection of powerfully moving artifacts from the 9/11 museum's collection that serve as touchstones to the day and its aftermath. From crushed FDNY trucks to the steel that was pierced as planes struck the Twin Towers, from victims' property pulled from the wreckage and returned to families (who later donated the property to the museum) to spontaneous memorials collected from around Ground Zero, the array of objects tell complex and often surprising stories. Poignant artifacts as monumental as the Vesey Street staircase-which offered an escape for thousands fleeing the towers-and as intimate as a loved one's wedding band or last recorded phone message are selected to illuminate people's experiences during and after September 11, 2001, and February 26, 199...
El Manual del Médico de Guardia ve la luz en su quinta edición cuando se cumple 20 años de la primera. Muchas cosas han cambiado desde entonces, entre las que destacan los importantes cambios que la Medicina ha experimentado y la revolución que la presencia de Internet ha supuesto para los sistemas de información. Sin embargo, hemos mantenido el espíritu inicial de este manual; proporcionar el mensaje rápido en las situaciones donde la consulta deernida no es posible; y el recordatorio de aquellos detalles que se olvidan fácilmente (dosis adecuadas, fármaco más indicado, etc.), sobre todo en situaciones de cansancio y estrés como son las guardias médicas. Estos aspectos son particularmente importantes para el médico en formación, pero benefician también al experto.
Product details
- Book | 776 pages
- 120 x 180mm | 508g
- 07 Jul 2009
- Diaz de Santos
- United States
- Spanish
- New edition
- 8479787635
- 9788479787639
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