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The Stories They Tell : Artifacts from the National September 11 Memorial Museum (0847841715)

This poignant selection of artifacts-and their stories-from September 11 provides an official, lasting record of that day's experience. In both text and photography, the story of September 11 is told through a selection of powerfully moving artifacts from the 9/11 museum's collection that serve as touchstones to the day and its aftermath. From crushed FDNY trucks to the steel that was pierced as planes struck the Twin Towers, from victims' property pulled from the wreckage and returned to families (who later donated the property to the museum) to spontaneous memorials collected from around Ground Zero, the array of objects tell complex and often surprising stories. Poignant artifacts as monumental as the Vesey Street staircase-which offered an escape for thousands fleeing the towers-and as intimate as a loved one's wedding band or last recorded phone message are selected to illuminate people's experiences during and after September 11, 2001, and February 26, 199...

The sacred wood of Bomarzo. Colouring Book (9788866871255)

Il Sacro bosco di Bomarzo, ideato dal Principe Vicino Orsini nel 1552, è comunemente definito Parco dei mostri per la presenza di sculture fantastiche e grottesche disseminate in un terreno boscoso. Il paesaggio presenta una minacciosa popolazione di massi, generata da un sommovimento tellurico: rocce, scolpite sul posto, si sono animate prendendo forma di terribili creature disseminate lungo percorsi scoscesi, tra alberi e vegetazione selvaggia. Il giardino, anche se inserito nella cultura architettonica naturalistica del secondo Cinquecento, costituisce un unicum, in quanto si differenzia dai raffinati giardini all'italiana rinascimentali caratterizzati da rigore e simmetria delle forme. Il Sacro bosco si presenta come un'avventurosa sequenza di apparizioni, ora spaventevoli, ora amene, che il visitatore scopre l'una dopo l'altra nel verde della selva, con stupore senza un ordine logico senza un percorso stabilito. Autentico labirinto di simboli avvolge chiunque ci si addentri fisicamente e intellettualmente, offrendo soluzioni del tutto irregolari. L'ideatore del singolo giardino è riuscito, con i suoi elementi giganteschi, a creare un rapporto sconcertante con la natura. L'incubo e la spensieratezza del Bosco magico sono delle forti componenti che si ritrovano nei poemi cavallereschi, in voga in quel periodo, immergendo il parco in una zona di incontro tra arte e letteratura. Nei poemi cavallereschi la parola sacro sta per magico e stregato come il tema centrale del Sacro bosco, dove la selva stregata sottopone il cavaliere ad una serie di terribili sfide che costituiscono i diversi aspetti delle difficoltà che l'eroe deve superare (allegoria delle difficoltà della vita). Il principe Vicino Orsini colto signore di Bomarzo, volle fortemente realizzare il suo giardino che divenne uno dei più importanti del cinquecento, ma anche quello che più di tutti rimane avvolto nel mistero. La colorazione delle statue: Secondo il testo ''Gli incantesimi di Bomarzo, il Sacro bosco tra arte e letteratura'' del critico d'arte Maurizio Calvesi, le statue, per volere del principe Orsini erano dipinte con colori puri e vivaci, rosso carminio, bianco, azzurro oltremare, viola, particolare che prende spunto dai poemi cavallereschi dove si ritrovano nelle descrizioni dei draghi e delle iene dell'Amadigi, e nell'Orlando Furioso.

Product details

  • Paperback | 28 pages
  • Roma, Italy
  • Italian
  • 8866871257
  • 9788866871255

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Zukunft Digitalisierung: der Wettlauf zum Weltbetriebssystem (3961118701)

Seit mehr als einer Dekade stellen digitale Vorreiter aus dem Silicon Valley traditionelle Branchen mit neuen Geschäftsmodellen auf den Kopf. Während Wirtschaft und Politik noch überlegen, wie sie mit dieser Entwicklung umgehen, kommt bereits eine viel größere digitale Welle auf uns zu. Durch die nahende Vollvernetzung der Welt, steht nach Unternehmen und Branchen unsere Wirtschaftsordnung vor der digitalen Disruption. Dieses wirft viele Fragen auf, die intelligente Antworten und vor allem große Visionen erfordern, auch außerhalb der Ökonomie: - Wie gehen wir mit den neuen digitalen Monopolen um? - Hat Arbeit in Zeiten der Vollautomatisierung noch Zukunft? - Lässt das Finanzsystem die Digitalisierung der Bankenbranche zu? - Wie wird im globalen digitalen Ökosystem Sicherheit erreicht? - Welche Chancen hat Europa zwischen den USA und China? - Welche Rolle werden Staat und Politik in Zukunft spielen? - Wie hilft digitale Technologie die Herausforderungen zu lösen? ...

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KANDYIt was love at first sight when I met Mr. Cane.He was handsome, broody, tattooed, and rich. For years, he's been mine. He just didn't know it. I wasn't expecting to fall in love with him, or for him to want me in the ways that he did.None of it was ever supposed to happen, but after all we've done together, it's too late to turn back now. A once harmless crush had blossomed into so much more. CANEWhen we first met, she was just a kid - my best friend's daughter. A sweet, young girl with a big heart. But now, she's a young woman who knows what she wants, and all she wants is me. I've tried holding back, pretending the connection meant nothing, but my sweet candy cane made it impossible. If anyone finds out, I'll be ruined. I've worked too hard to lose everything I've built. But there's just something about her that tempts me, making me want to sacrifice just about anything to have her. ...


Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the "political animal" that Aristotle defined.In effect, the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of guerrilla war, the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once his mind has been reached, the "political animal" has been defeated, without necessarily receiving bullets.Guerrilla warfare is born and grows in the political environment; in the constant combat to dominate that area of political mentality that is inherent to all human beings and which collectively constitutes the "environment" in which guerrilla warfare moves, and which is where precisely its victory or failure is defined.This conception of guerrilla warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive fac...