This poignant selection of artifacts-and their stories-from September 11 provides an official, lasting record of that day's experience. In both text and photography, the story of September 11 is told through a selection of powerfully moving artifacts from the 9/11 museum's collection that serve as touchstones to the day and its aftermath. From crushed FDNY trucks to the steel that was pierced as planes struck the Twin Towers, from victims' property pulled from the wreckage and returned to families (who later donated the property to the museum) to spontaneous memorials collected from around Ground Zero, the array of objects tell complex and often surprising stories. Poignant artifacts as monumental as the Vesey Street staircase-which offered an escape for thousands fleeing the towers-and as intimate as a loved one's wedding band or last recorded phone message are selected to illuminate people's experiences during and after September 11, 2001, and February 26, 199...
Descubre Seúl a través de la mirada fresca y desenfadada de la ilustradora Judit Mallol. Este libro es una mezcla de diario de viajes y guía para futuros viajeros con todo lo que necesitas saber. Basándose en su propia experiencia, la autora repasa los principales aspectos de la cultura de Corea del Sur como la gastronomía, las tradiciones y el idioma; sin olvidar la cultura popular que está arrasando en Occidente de la mano del K-pop, los K-drama y la cosmética coreana. Además, nos da consejos, trucos e dieas para disfrutar al máximo de la capital del país y sus alrededores: cuándo ir, qué llevar, qué ver, etc. Product details Format Book | 208 pages Publisher ...