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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2021

The Stories They Tell : Artifacts from the National September 11 Memorial Museum (0847841715)

This poignant selection of artifacts-and their stories-from September 11 provides an official, lasting record of that day's experience. In both text and photography, the story of September 11 is told through a selection of powerfully moving artifacts from the 9/11 museum's collection that serve as touchstones to the day and its aftermath. From crushed FDNY trucks to the steel that was pierced as planes struck the Twin Towers, from victims' property pulled from the wreckage and returned to families (who later donated the property to the museum) to spontaneous memorials collected from around Ground Zero, the array of objects tell complex and often surprising stories. Poignant artifacts as monumental as the Vesey Street staircase-which offered an escape for thousands fleeing the towers-and as intimate as a loved one's wedding band or last recorded phone message are selected to illuminate people's experiences during and after September 11, 2001, and February 26, 199...

Making a Medicine : Past, Present, Future (9781549985157)

Making a Medicine is the latest book in the dynamic popular science genre. Taking medicines when you're ill is something we have all done, yet very few of us have any idea of how they are made and why they have been given to them. Most of us go to the doctor, get a prescription and take the medicine dispensed by the chemist. Some patients don't realise there is a choice or feel it would be rude to ask for something else. Doctors often feel under pressure to prescribe to meet the patient's expectations. Increasingly we are becoming more aware of the medicines we take. This may be a consequence of our exposure to medical breakthroughs in the media and an increased interest in science in general. Maybe it is more acceptable to question what we are told and are mindful of scandals or misleading information from the past. This isn't limited to patients, doctors have been victims of aggressive or even untrue marketing by pharmaceutical companies. Better access to the infor...

Kids' Songs - Super Easy Songbook : 60 Simple Arrangements for Piano (1495076121)

(Super Easy Songbook). It's super easy! This series features accessible arrangements for piano, with simple right-hand melody, letter names inside each note, basic left-hand chord diagrams, and no page turns. This edition includes 60 songs for kids: Animal Crackers in My Soup * "C" Is for Cookie * Do-Re-Mi * Electricity * The Hokey Pokey * Hush, Little Baby * I'm Popeye the Sailor Man * Kumbaya * Mickey Mouse March * On Top of Spaghetti * Over the Rainbow * Puff the Magic Dragon * The Rainbow Connection * Sesame Street Theme * Sing * Take Me Out to the Ball Game * Tomorrow * Warm Kitty * The Wheels on the Bus * You Are My Sunshine * and many more. Product details Format Book | 110 pages ...

Facts and Figures (9781904292517)

Dominic O'Brien, 8 times world memory champion's, quick and easy tips for remembering all important facts and figures as well as heaps of trivia know-how. What is the capital of Switzerland? How many sides does a dodecahedron have? When was Abraham Lincoln assassinated? Now you can impress the quiz team with your encyclopedic knowledge using quick and easy techniques provided by World Memory champion Dominic O'Brien in Never Forget! Facts and Figures. Dominic provides for us in this innovative, fully-illustrated book, expert advice and simple tips to turn you into an instant "trivia wizard" or model student. The memory master explains how to install a "mental filing system" to retain facts and figures, and how to use visualisation, association and "virtual journeys" to ensure that nothing you memorise is ever lost. Product details F...

Doctor's Kitchen 3-2-1 : 3 Fruit and Veg, 2 Servings, 1 Pan (9780008395414)

3-2-1 is a brand new way of cooking delicious food, that is completely life changing. Every recipe is formulated to contain 3 portions of fruit and vegetables per person, serving 2 people and all made in one pan. That's it! Curries, Stews, Traybakes, Casseroles, Salads and more. Take the effort out of cooking and put health and enjoyment back in. 'Food and nutritional medicine play a crucial part in our general wellbeing - I've examined hundreds of academic studies that show which diets have the biggest health impact, which ingredients are best to include, as well as which cooking processes maintain nutritional quality.' Bestselling author and NHS medical doctor, Dr Rupy introduces his simple 3-2-1 formula, making it possible to easily cook healthy meals every single day. Following on from his two bestselling cookbooks, he builds on his message that the most important health intervention anyone can make is what you put on your plate. Containing over 100 recipes that ...

Noch mal leben vor dem Tod : Wenn Menschen sterben (9783421058379)

Kaum etwas bewegt uns so sehr wie die Begegnung mit dem Tod. Kaum etwas geschieht heute so verborgen wie das Sterben. Die Journalistin Beate Lakotta und der Fotograf Walter Schels baten Schwerstkranke, sie in den letzten Wochen begleiten zu dürfen. Aus diesen Begegnungen entstanden einfühlsame Schilderungen und Fotos von Menschen am Ende ihres Lebens. Die meisten verbrachten ihre letzte Zeit im Hospiz, einem Lebensort für Sterbende, an dem Hoffnungen und Ängste gleich wiegen: Wer hier einzieht, wird die Zeit bis zum Tod so bewußt und schmerzfrei wie möglich erleben können. Doch es bleibt ihm nur eine kurze Spanne, um Bilanz zu ziehen, Frieden mit sich und den anderen zu machen, sich mit dem Tod zu befassen und mit der Frage nach dem Danach. Fünfundzwanzig Geschichten von Menschen, die unheilbar krank sind, die davon erzählen wie es ist, dem Tod sehr nahe zu sein und Abschied vom Leben nehmen zu müssen. Eindrucksvolle Porträts, aufgenommen kurze Zeit vor und unmittelbar nach dem Tod, be...

Oxford IB Diploma Programme: IB Mathematics: applications and interpretation, Higher Level, Print and Enhanced Online Course Book Pack (9780198427049)

Featuring a wealth of digital content, this concept-based Print and Enhanced Online Course Book Pack has been developed in cooperation with the IB to provide the most comprehensive support for the new DP Mathematics: applications and interpretation HL syllabus, for first teaching in September 2019. Each Enhanced Online Course Book Pack is made up of one full-colour, print textbook and one online textbook - packed full of investigations, exercises, worksheets, worked solutions and answers, plus assessment preparation support. Product details Format Mixed media product | 832 pages Dimensions 197 ...

La sang de l'Olimp (9788424664589)

La novel·la que posarà punt i final a la saga de Rick Riordan. Gea necessita la sang de dos semideus per despertar, i té previst sacrificar-los durant el Banquet de Spes, a Atenes. La tripulació de l'Argo II ho ha d'evitar, i tenen la temptació d'utilitzar Atena Pàrtenos com a arma secreta. Però saben que l'estàtua és l'única cosa que pot aturar la guerra entre el Campament Mestís i el Campament Júpiter. El més assenyat, doncs, és enviar-la a Long Island i dirigir-se ells cap a Atenes. La batalla final contra els gegants està servida. Si Gea desperta serà el final: els semideus ho hauran d'evitar com sigui! Els lectors diuen... «Els personatges són forts, valents, diferents en molts aspectes i fidels a sí mateixos.» Product details Format Paperback ...

Leo und die Abenteuermaschine Folge 2 : Das Hörspiel für schlaue Kids! (9783000546150)

Altersgerechtes Wissen, kindliche Spannung und eine Menge Spaß - dafür steht "Leo und die Abenteuermaschine". In Folge zwei reist Leo, der schlaue Löwe, erneut durch Raum und Zeit und erlebt interessante und lehrreiche Abenteuer. Diesmal enträtselt Leo das Geheimnis der Höhlenmalerei - 40.000 Jahre vor unserer Zeitrechnung. Doch die Zeit des Homo Sapiens ist nicht ungefährlich, landet Leo doch gleich in seinem ersten Abenteuer mitten in einer Mammut-Jagd. Danach geht es in die Tiefsee. Zusammen mit dem weltberühmten Meeresforscher Jacques-Yves Cousteau, taucht Leo im Mittelmeer und lüftet das Geheimnis der schwarzen Perle. Zum Abschluss besucht Leo den jungen Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart und lauscht seiner Musik. Der junge Mozart hat eine Komponier-Blockade. Ihm fallen keine neuen Lieder ein. Kann Leo ihm vielleicht helfen? Product details Format ...

Birthright Citizens : A History of Race and Rights in Antebellum America (9781316604724)

Before the Civil War, colonization schemes and black laws threatened to deport former slaves born in the United States. Birthright Citizens recovers the story of how African American activists remade national belonging through battles in legislatures, conventions, and courthouses. They faced formidable opposition, most notoriously from the US Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott. Still, Martha S. Jones explains, no single case defined their status. Former slaves studied law, secured allies, and conducted themselves like citizens, establishing their status through local, everyday claims. All along they argued that birth guaranteed their rights. With fresh archival sources and an ambitious reframing of constitutional law-making before the Civil War, Jones shows how the Fourteenth Amendment constitutionalized the birthright principle, and black Americans' aspirations were realized. Birthright Citizens tells how African American activists radically transformed the terms of citizenship ...

Sherlock Holmes : The Impossible Cases (9781725850774)

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." In these recently discovered accounts, sealed and hidden from prying eyes for almost eighty years, Dr. John H. Watson puts pen to paper once more, as he accompanies his friend, that most rational of detectives, Mr. Sherlock Holmes in the utterly irrational realm of the otherworldly, the uncanny, and the supernatural. Enter the gaslit world of Holmes and Watson - a world caught halfway between the bright glare of science and logic and the darker clutches of superstition and fear - a world of unknown creatures, secret seances, ancient curses, and forbidden knowledge - where the enquiring mind of the world's first consulting detective must search for the answer to some new and challenging questions... What was it about the loathsome contents of a match-box that sent an apparently fearless man stark staring mad? How can Sherlock Holmes be called upon to investigate a murder whe...

Demanding the Impossible (9780006862451)

A fascinating and comprehensive history, 'Demanding the Impossible' is a challenging and thought-provoking exploration of anarchist ideas and actions from ancient times to the present day. Navigating the broad 'river of anarchy', from Taoism to Situationism, from Ranters to Punk rockers, from individualists to communists, from anarcho-syndicalists to anarcha-feminists, 'Demanding the Impossible' is an authoritative and lively study of a widely misunderstood subject. It explores the key anarchist concepts of society and the state, freedom and equality, authority and power and investigates the successes and failure of the anarchist movements throughout the world. While remaining sympathetic to anarchism, it presents a balanced and critical account. It covers not only the classic anarchist thinkers, such as Godwin, Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Reclus and Emma Goldman, but also other libertarian figures, such as Nietzsche, Camus, Gandhi, Foucault and Chomsky. ...

Practical Strategies for Struggling Learners in Today's Inclusive Classroom (9781516555246)

This is a Print on Demand title. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Product details Format Hardback | 154 pages Dimensions 203 x 254 x 11mm | 558g Publication date 24 Aug 2017 ...

Worter Machen Leute (3492204791)

Die Sprachwissenschaft ist eine schwierige Wissenschaft- bei Wolf Schneider jedoch ist sie in einer Übersicht von höchster Lesbarkeit dargeboten, von Platon über Humboldt und Friedrich Engels bis zu Noam Chomsky. Darüber hinaus untersucht das Buch Bereiche, die von der Sprachwissenschaft vernachlässigt werden: die politische Sprengkraft der Wörter; ihre erstaunliche Rolle als Tröster in der Not und Einsamkeit; und das traurige Spiel, das viele Zeitungen und Fernsehsendungen, amtliche Bekanntmachungen und Lexika mit der Verständlichkeit von Texten treiben. Dies alles prall von Beispielen aus dem Alltag und Belegen aus Geschichte und Literatur, wobei Christian Morgenstern und Heinrich Böll so wenig fehlen wie Hitler und die Psalmen. Ein Lexikon der Sprachwissenschaften ergänzt den Text und liefert das systematische Handbuch als Dreingabe zur fesselnden Lektüre. Product details ...

New Language Leader Pre-Intermediate Coursebook (1447961528)

The Coursebook is divided into 12 units each with relevant sections, such as grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing. Exam practice is embedded at the end of each unit to prepare students for high-stakes tests like IELTS and PTE Academic. Every lesson in New Language Leader has a scenario with a case study and Meet the Expert video or a Study Skills section with skills videos to support students in tertiary education: "Meet the Expert" aspirational videos with leading professionals in different fields stretch students' ability to understand real-life English. Experts act as role models and inspire students to work harder. Study Skills videos teach your students how to do their best in academic studies. They give advice on how to better understand lectures, take notes, participate in discussions and give many other useful academic tips. All the course audio and video are available for free online. Product details ...

Das Tao der weisen Frauen : Der geheime weibliche Weg des Tao (3943012557)

Die geheimen Lehren der 'Unsterblichen Schwestern'. Sie sind die berühmten Meisterinnen der spirituellen Selbst-Transformation durch feinstoffliche Energiearbeit. Dies ist der praktische Weg des 'Weiblichen Tao der Inneren Alchemie', der körperliche und geistige Weg zur Selbstvervollkommnung. Die Energiearbeit ist eine mystische Tradition und Grundlage für z.B. Feng Shui, Qi Gong und TCM/Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin. Das universelle Qi bedeutet Energie, japanisch Ki, indisch Prana, Shakti und Kundalini, westlich Odem und Astrallicht. Tiefsinnige Gedichte, inspirierende Kurzgeschichten und erklärende Kommentare vermitteln die praktisch-spirituellen Methoden, die zu höchster persönlicher Vollkommenheit führen. Im alten China wurden diese geheimen Lehren über Jahrtausende bewahrt und nur an geeignete Schüler weitergegeben. Besonders in der weiblichen spirituellen Energie liegt der zentrale Schlüssel zum Verständnis der taoistischen Weisheitstradition. ...

My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Volume 2 (9781718366619)

After hitting her head on a rock, Katarina Claes regains the memories of her past life, and realizes that she's been reincarnated into the world the otome game she'd been playing. There's only one problem - she's the villainess of the game, who has only bad endings! From practicing with the sword to crafting fake snakes, Katarina has done her best to prepare for all the possible Catastrophic Bad Ends. Now it's finally time for her to enroll in the Academy of Magic, where the story of the game begins. Unfortunately she only finds more trouble there, starting with meeting the one who may spell her doom - heroine of the game! Join Katarina as she tries to avoid all the bad routes, only to end up getting entangled with them in ways she'd never imagined! Product details Format Paperback ...

The Golden Gate Bridge (9780761350125)

The Golden Gate Bridge is an important structure in San Francisco, California. Before this bridge was built, people had to take a ferry across the dangerous stretch of water to get to Marin County. Now they simply drive across. Just how long is the Golden Gate Bridge? And how did workers build this orange structure? Read this book to find out! Learn about many remarkable sites in the Famous Places series - part of the Lightning Bolt Books(TM) collection. With high-energy designs, exciting photos, and fun text, Lightning Bolt Books(TM) bring nonfiction topics to life. Product details For ages 9-12 Format Paperback | 32 pages ...

Yoga pur (9783426292587)

"Yoga pur" vereint das weibliche Schönheitsideal mit der Philosophie des Yoga. Die anerkannte Yoga-Expertin Inge Schöps ordnet die 58 Yoga-Stellungen siebzehn Sinnthemen zu: z. B. frei sein, stabile Mitte spüren, sinnvoll und sinnlich sein, lieben und mitfühlen oder achtsam im Hier und Jetzt. Anspruchsvolle und hochwertige Yoga-Art-Fotografien vom Starfotografen Petter Hegre illustrieren auf einmalige Art und Weise die Reinheit des Yoga. Jedes Kapitel bietet eine tiefer gehende Erläuterung der yogischen Philosophie und ist samt Sinnsprüchen aus Yoga-Klassikern eine Inspiration für westliche Menschen zum bewussteren und glücklicheren Leben. Product details Format Hardback | 160 pages ...

[PDF FREE] The Crowning Venture : Inspiration from Women Who Have Memorized the Quran (0999299034) By Hafiza

If you've ever sighed wistfully upon hearing of someone memorizing the Quran, wishing it was something you could do, too, then prepare to replace that wistfulness with determination! Filled with inspirational stories for your heart and memorization techniques for your mind, The Crowning Venture reminds us that memorizing the Quran is not an achievement to be conquered, it's a journey to savor. A journey YOU can make. Product details Format Paperback | 156 pages Dimensions 140 x 216 x 9mm ...

Like Streams to the Ocean : Notes on Ego, Love, and the Things That Make Us Who We Are (9781846047039)

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A soul-searching meditation on the foundations that shape us, Like Streams to the Ocean is an essential guide for the crossroads of life. In the busyness of the day-to-day, we rarely have time to think clearly about the questions that matter most: Who am I? What makes me, me? What do I stand for? With the passion and clarity that made his debut, To Shake the Sleeping Self, a New York Times bestseller Jedidiah Jenkins explores the eight signposts we all face as we find our way in life: ego, family, home, friendship, love, work, death and the soul. In this soothing work, Jenkins reveals how we can find fulfilment in the people and places around us and discover the courage to show our deepest selves to the world. Product details Format Hardback | 272...

Tarot de la Nuit (0738759848)

Woven from the nighttime aether by Carole-Anne Eschenazi and the world renowned French illustrator Alexandra Bach, this incredibly beautiful deck embodies shadowy intrigue and feminine energy. Meaning the night in French, Tarot de la Nuit is a journey into powerful darkness under the moonlight of glamour and magic. Each Arcana is a work of art, empowering you to find the answers you seek. The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German. Product details Format Cards | 128 pages Dimensions 81 x 127 ...

Watching Your Life : Meditation Simplified and Demystified (9781072815617)

"Watching Your Life" - Meditation Simplified and Demystified is your introduction to the easiest, most powerful form of meditation anyone can practice and gain benefits from instantly. With a grasp of the essence of meditation that has been called "unsurpassed," lifelong meditation teacher and awakening guide Teja Anand leads you out of the quagmire and confusion of the profusion of meditation styles, clarifying meditation's true intention in reality, along with the easiest, most effective practice in clear, non-mystical language and accessible, down-to-earth instructions. Product details Format Paperback | 118 pages Dimensions ...

prima.nova Vokabelheft : Gesamtkurs Latein. Latein lernen (3766179764)

Das Vokabelheft im praktischen Hosentaschenformat hilft, den Wortschatz von prima.nova gezielt zu wiederholen. Die Vokabeln sind nach Wortarten und - wo möglich - nach Deklinations- bzw. Konjugationsklassen gegliedert. Product details Format Pamphlet | 124 pages Dimensions 106 x 147 x 17mm | 86g Publication date 17 Aug 201...

Niuean : Predicates and Arguments in an Isolating Language (9780198793557)

This volume explores the grammar of Niuean, an endangered Polynesian language spoken on the island of Niue and in New Zealand, with a focus on the issue of predication. Since Aristotle, it has been claimed that a sentence consists of a subject and a predicate. Niuean constitutes the perfect testing ground for this claim: it displays verb-subject-object word order, in which the subject interrupts the predicate, and has an ergative case system, in which subjects are not clearly distinguished from objects in their marking for grammatical case. Diane Massam uses the framework of generative grammar to carry out a detailed analysis of the internal structure of Niuean predicates and arguments, as well as the relations between them, touching on many other topics including the nature of displacement, word formation, determiners, and thematic roles. The proposal is that Niuean complex predicates are formed via successive inversion, prior to the merge of all arguments (high argument merge), and ...

Solitary Witch : The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation (0738703192)

This book has everything a teen Witch could want and need between two covers: a magical cookbook, encyclopaedia, dictionary, and grimoire. It relates specifically to today's young adults and their concerns, yet is grounded in the magical work of centuries past. It is organised so that readers can skip over the parts they already know, or read each section in alphabetical order. Product details For ages 12-17 Format Paperback | 560 pages Dimensions 203 ...

A History of My Times (9780140441758)

Xenophon's History recounts nearly fifty turbulent years of warfare in Greece between 411 and 362 BC. Continuing the story of the Peloponnesian War at the point where Thucydides finished his magisterial history, this is a fascinating chronicle of the conflicts that ultimately led to the decline of Greece, and the wars with both Thebes and the might of Persia. An Athenian by birth, Xenophon became a firm supporter of the Spartan cause, and fought against the Athenians in the battle of Coronea. Combining history and memoir, this is a brilliant account of the triumphs and failures of city-states, and a portrait of Greece at a time of crisis. Product details Format Paperback | 432 pages ...